The Eastern Librarian encourages submissions in any area of library and information science including information systems, services and products, documentation and information sciences, knowledge management, development of information science and communication technologies and related domains that encapsulate information and knowledge. The journal also encourages contributions about policies, practices, principles and progress in the LIS field.
The submitted manuscripts should be original in nature and should not have been published earlier or submitted simultaneously to another journal for consideration for publication. Authors submitting articles for publication warrant that the work is not an infringement of any existing copyright law and will indemnify the journal against any breach of such warranty.
The language of the journal is English.
Manuscript requirements
Article files should be provided in Microsoft Word. The length of the articles should be between 3,000 and 6,000 words. This includes all texts including references and appendices. Submitted articles should have an abstract of around 250 words (12-point and Italic). Authors should supply a maximum of eight appropriate and short keywords.
For preparing the manuscript, please follow the style and reference guidelines below:
Title page: The title page should contain: (a) title of the paper, (b) author(s) name with designation and affiliating institution and (c) e-mail address.
Font style: Use Times New Roman for the entire paper.
Font size and space: The manuscript should be typed in double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font, with margins to be set at 1-inch on all sides.
Figures and tables: Figure captions should be placed below the figures, in the middle. Table names should be above the tables and should be placed in the middle. Heading of both tables and figures should be boldfaced. Serial numbers of these figures and tables should be placed in order distinctively.
Reference style: The manuscript should strictly follow the Harvard reference style for both in-text and reference list. All references should be placed alphabetically at the end. The in-text citation should be as: (Rahman, 2012) in case of a single author, (Rahman and Biswas, 2012) in case of the double author, and (Rahman et al., 2012) in case of more than three authors. For details, please consult the Harvard Reference Style Guide.
Manuscripts should be sent as attached documents to the Managing Editor at the following email:
Review process
Each article will be reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief first, and then if it is found suitable for this publication, it will be sent to the independent referee(s) for peer review. Based on recommendations by the referee(s), the Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with Editorial Board members, will then decide whether the article should be accepted, revised or rejected.
Final submission
The author(s) must submit the final version of the accepted paper and confirm that it is complete, grammatically correct and without spelling or typographical errors. A final proof will be emailed to authors prior to publication. Authors must sign the Copyright Agreement Form and send it to the Managing Editor after the final acceptance of the paper.