Categories & Fees

Member Categories

CategoriesEligibilityFeesRight to voteApproval levelComment
Patron memberA senior person/official approved by the general meetingNoGeneral meeting
Donor memberAny person or group approved by the general meetingDonation      Tk. 50,000NoGeneral meeting
  • At least master degree in the field of LIS; and
  • 10 years working experience with the remarkable contribution to the field of LIS; and
  • Having 5 research publications (5 journal articles).
NoGeneral meeting
Life member
  • Diploma/ Bachelor (Honours)/ Maters Degree or PhD in the field of LIS from any recognized university; or
  •  Bachelor degree with LIS subject; or
  • Certificate course in LIS with at least 3 years working experiences in Libraries.
Tk 2,000 (at a time)YesExecutive councilRegular membership
Institutional member
  • Having library in any institute, and contributing in library development; and
  • Any citizen of Bangladesh with post graduate diploma/MA degree or his nominated person.
Tk 20,000 (at a time)NoExecutive council
Associate member
  • Person with MA degree in LIS and have 2 years working experience in Libraries may live in Bangladesh or abroad; and
  • Contributing to this association or willing to contribute to this association in future
Tk 200 annualNoExecutive council
General member
  • Diploma/ Bachelor (Honours)/ Maters Degree or PhD in the field of LIS from any recognized university; or
  •  Bachelor degree with LIS subject; or
  • Certificate course in LIS with at least 3 years working experiences in Libraries.
Tk 500 annualYesExecutive councilThis type of membership is suspended.